Whole School

Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

Image of the logo of Multi-Active

Wrap Around Care for Bayford School!

Parents will remember that in the Spring Term of 2022 we carried out a survey to find out how many might be interested in wrap around care at Bayford. We’ve had a breakfast club in the past, but it had to stop as numbers weren’t enough to make it work. Now, a few years on, …

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Image of the front page of the May 2022 edition of the Bayford Bugle newsletter

The Bayford Bugle May 2022

The latest school newsletter has been emailed to parents, and you can download a copy from this post if you missed it or you’re not on the parents’ email list. Topics covered in the Bugle this time include: Class 1 sleepover TWiGS outdoor learning days in June Plans for wraparound care at Bayford Reminder about …

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Photograph of the new books for Bayford School library

New reading books

Miss Brazier recently attended a conference on ensuring Diverse Representation Across the Primary English Curriculum. It’s a real priority for us at Bayford to make sure that no one is left out or marginalised in any way, and also to make sure that we prepare our children for life in today’s world by helping them …

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Photograph of the 2022 Bayford School football team

District Football runners up!

On Friday 25th March a team representing Bayford School were runners up in the District Football Competition. The team played seven matches, winning five of them and losing two. The competition winners were Hunsdon JMI School. Well done to all the team and to Mr Younger who coached them! They all played really well and …

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Portrait photograph of author Karen McCombie with covers of some of her children's books

Author Karen McCombie to visit

Karen McCombie, children’s author, will be visiting us in school on Tuesday 26th April. Karen will talk to the children about how she became an author, the books she has written, and where she finds inspiration for her work. There will also be workshops during the day for Class 2 and Class 3. Karen has …

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Image from 19th century map showing original school site

Founders’ Day 2022

Our first ever Founders’ Day! Our school was founded on 3rd April 1833, but we’ve never celebrated our story before now, just eleven years before our bicentenary. This year we’ll be marking the day as close to it as we can get, on the last day of the spring term, Friday 1st April (yes, we …

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