Staying safe online
At Bayford Primary School we work with staff, pupils, and parents to create a school community which values the use of new technologies in enhancing learning, encourages responsible use of ICT, and follows agreed policies to minimise potential online safety risks.
We discuss, monitor, and review our online safety policy on a regular basis, linking it with other relevant policies such as Safeguarding, Pupil Behaviour, and Anti-Bullying Policies. We support staff in the use of ICT as an essential tool for enhancing learning, and in the embedding of online safety across the whole school curriculum.
You can use the links below to find out more about safeguarding in general, how we manage behaviour in school, and also advice on wellbeing.

Support and advice for parents
We provide regular opportunities in school for parents/carers to receive online safety education and information, to enable them to support their children in developing good online safety behaviour.
You can also access plenty of helpful and important advice and information using the links provided here.
Childnet is a UK-based charity which empowers children, young people, and those who support them in their online lives, and its mission is to work with others to make the internet a great and safe place for children and young people.
Parent Zone is a social enterprise aiming to help parents develop the right skills and understanding, so that their children can discover the possibilities and opportunities available to them online.
Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP (National Crime Agency-Child Exploitation and Online Protection command), a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC) is a partnership between Childnet International, Internet Watch Foundation and South West Grid for Learning.
Children can be groomed, coerced or encouraged into sexual activities online. Any child with unsupervised access to the internet is potentially at risk. To help parents understand this difficult topic and talk to their children, the UKSIC has produced a checklist and resources about online sexual abuse and we’ve provided a direct link for you to access their advice.
NSPCC, the children’s charity, has really good advice about the tricky issue of online gaming (many online games are not age-appropriate for primary age children, but they want to play them… Help!).
Parents Protect is a project from The Lucy Faithfull Foundation focusing on protecting children from sexual abuse.
Internet Matters was founded in 2014 by BT, Sky, TalkTalk, and Virgin Media, to support parents and carers to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape. The site has everything you need to help make your children’s online life fulfilling, fun and, above all, safe.
Skips Safety Net, produced in collaboration with Home Office PREVENT and the West Midlands Police Crime Commissioner, is a unique educational resource and training programme designed to provide the tools and confidence to engage children and their parents, in a concerted effort to encourage safe online practice in the home.
Support and advice for pupils
We ensure that pupils are aware of the potential safety risks associated with the use of ICT and mobile technologies, that pupils feel able and safe to report incidents, and that they abide by the school’s acceptable use agreement. Children are made aware of how to report an incident either in school or at home. They know that many sites have the CEOP symbol, allowing them quickly to access the CEOP website to report an incident.

CEOP is here to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online.
You can make a report directly to the CEOP Safety Centre by clicking on the Click CEOP button if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you have only ever met online. CEOP take all reports seriously and we will do everything we can to keep you safe.
As well as making a report to the CEOP Safety Centre, the CEOP Education website has information and advice to help you if something has happened to you online.
Are you being bullied?
CEOP are unable to respond to reports about bullying, but if you’re being bullied and would like to talk to someone in confidence right now you can speak to Childline on 0800 1111 or talk to them online – no worry is too big or too small.
We encourage children to Be Smart on the internet and to follow the SMART rules. These can be seen on the Childnet website where children are able to find lots of useful information about staying safe online.
For more information about staying safe online children are also encouraged to visit the Thinkuknow website which is full of advice, useful information, and games.
This page was last updated on 15th December 2023