Meet Early Years

Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

Early Years gallery

Here are some recent photographs to introduce life in our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)! We’ll update the pictures from time to time. EYFS is the name for our nursery and reception class. So children may spend two years or more in EYFS depending on when they join the school community.

Parents please note that we have explicit parental consent to use all these images. New parents are always invited to express their wishes about whether we may take pictures or videos of their children and how we may use them. We will always respect your choices.

Learning in EYFS
You can find out all about learning and the curriculum in EYFS from our learning pages. Follow the link below to the EYFS learning page.
Portrait photograph of a member of staff at Bayford Primary School

Emine Karadal

Nursery Leader

Emine works with our youngest children in nursery alongside our EYFS leader, Lizzy Wheeler.

Photograph of a member of staff at Bayford School

Debbie Staines

EYFS Teaching Assistant

Debbie works with Emine Karadal and Lizzy Wheeler supporting Nursery and Reception children.

Photograph of a member of staff at Bayford School

Wendy Foster


Wendy is helping to cover the role of EYFS teacher during the last few weeks of Danielle Kinsley’s maternity leave.

This page was last updated on 10th September 2024