Raising a concern

Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

Raising a concern

Following on from our vision and values it’s really important for us that we build positive relationships across our whole school community. The staff work hard to get to know parents and welcome conversations at any time with people who care for our pupils. If something’s bothering you, or you have any questions or concerns, please talk to us! The best person to talk to in the first instance is usually your child’s class teacher. The more we know about things which may be going on outside school that could have an effect on your child in school (like a family bereavement, for example), the better we can care for your child and support their learning.

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From concern to complaint

We hope that it will rarely if ever happen, but if you feel that you have not been heard, and that your concerns are not being properly managed and addressed, we have a policy which sets out the procedure for taking things further.

If you feel that conversations with your child’s class teacher have not resolved your concern, you should make an appointment to discuss the issue with the Headteacher, Dr Malcom Foster. Dr Foster can then look into the issue and we very much hope that your concerns can then be resolved.

If you still feel that something is wrong, the next step is to write to the Chair of Governors, Brenda Lambie, at the school address. We provide a simple form to help you do this, and you can download it using the link below (you can also ask for a printed copy to be sent to you). If Mrs Lambie is also unable to resolve your concern, you can ask for a panel of governors to hear your complaint. There will be three governors (who will not include a parent governor, or the Chair), and they will be supported by an independent clerk. The panel will hear both from you and from any other people who may be involved. After the hearing you will receive a written response from the chair of the panel.

Beyond the governor panel, you also have legal rights of appeal outside the school, ultimately to the Secretary of State for Education.

For further information about our complaints procedure, please read the full policy which you can access using the link below.

This page was last updated on 19th August 2024