The Bayford Bugle February 2023
The latest issue of the Bayford Bugle, our termly school newsletter, has now been released. It’s sent by email to parents, but anyone is welcome to download it here. Topics in the latest edition include:
Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14
The latest issue of the Bayford Bugle, our termly school newsletter, has now been released. It’s sent by email to parents, but anyone is welcome to download it here. Topics in the latest edition include:
As children return to schools and childcare settings, we expect to see many more cases of flu, COVID-19 and other infections that affect children’s breathing (known as ‘respiratory infections’). There also continue to be high numbers of scarlet fever cases, which can spread quickly, but can be easily treated with antibiotics. Geraldine Bruce, Head of …
Children at Bayford took part in a charity Santa Run and raised over £500 for Herts Young Homeless. On Friday 16th December the school grounds could easily pass for the North Pole, and although no one actually saw any reindeer, there were some shiny, red noses around and plenty of rosy cheeks! Herts Young Homeless …
We have received news from the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom that we have received a silver benchmarking award for the learning outside the classroom work that we do at school. This is an award that we have been working towards for a couple of years and recognises our strong commitment to providing frequent, …
Following consulation with other local schools and authorities, we are closed today, 12th December 2022, due to the heavy overnight snowfalls. Dr Foster has sent the following message to parents and carers via email and our usual lines of communication like ClassDojo: Due to the amount of snow that fell last night and the distances …
Now we’re into the season of Advent and the first door is open on our Advent Calendars, the whole school is getting ready for Christmas! Over the last few weeks of term we’re looking forward to lots of events to help us prepare for the big day, including the Early Years Nativity play, Christmas Show, …