
Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

Image of advice flyer on online safety for parents

Online safety at Christmas & After

Keeping children safe is always at the forefront of our thinking, and not just when they’re here with us at school. Staying safe online is getting more and more important and we all need to know how to protect children and young people (and ourselves!) from all the new and ever-changing risks which the online …

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Photograph of the village pub in Bayford the Baker Arms

We’re supporting Friends of Baker Arms

If you live in Bayford itself, you’ll know all about Friends of Baker Arms. For those who don’t, the Baker Arms is our local pub… or at least it was until it closed in June 2023. As a school we’ve always had a really good relationship with the pub: landlords used to let us use …

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Image of first page of the Bayford Bugle newsletter

Bayford Bugle November 2023

The latest issue of our newsletter, the Bayford Bugle, has been sent out this week. You can also download a copy using the button below. November’s Bugle has lots of details about Christmas events and activities in December: Pantomime. Christmas shows, Christmas school dinner and Christmas Jumper Day (raising money for the charity Save the …

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Screenshot of first page of the school nurses newsletter

Health and school nurses!

The school nursing team which covers our school has asked us to share with you their autumn term newsletter, and you can download it by using clicking on the button below: The newsletter has lots of helpful information and links to online sites where you can find out more about supporting your child’s health. We’ve …

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Image of the front cover of the June 2023 school newsletter

Bayford Bugle June 2023

The latest school newsletter has been emailed to parents, and you can download a copy from this post if you missed it or you’re not on the parents’ email list. Topics covered in the Bugle this time include:

Graphic art illustrating a cake sale for WWF

Wear it Wild Day details

On Monday 27th March we will be holding our Wear It Wild day. For a suggested minimum £2.00 donation, children may come to school dressed as an animal. They needn’t go wild (excuse the pun) and buy a fancy animal costume, they could just wear animal accessories with their own clothes if they wish to. …

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