Whole School

Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

Class 1 pupils on vision launch day with Buzz and Woody the sheep

Our new school vision, and sheep!

We launched our new school vision statement with the children on Tuesday 20th September. Our new vision statement is inspired by a verse from the Gospel of John (10.14) in which Jesus describes himself as the Good Shepherd, who knows his sheep and is known by the sheep. Since so few people today really know …

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Photograph of our Open Day banner in Little Berkhamsted

Open Day Publicity

You might spot our posters and banners all around the local area over the next few weeks. We really hope people from our local community will come along, as well as prospective parents. Watch out for more information as we will be asking for some volunteer children to either come to sing with Mrs Neilson …

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Image of front page of Bugle newsletter September 2022

Bayford Bugle September 2022

The latest school newsletter has been emailed to parents, and you can download a copy from this post if you missed it or you’re not on the parents’ email list. Topics covered in the Bugle this time include: Harvest Festival information School closure for the Queen’s funeral New school Vision launch details Dinner money Parent …

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Photograph of our special assembly to remember our late Queen

Bayford Remembers…

Following the news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II which came after school closed yesterday, we held a special assembly this morning to remember the Queen. It’s really important for us to help the children understand why this is such an important and emotional moment for so many people across the UK …

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Informattion graphic for Open Day 2022

Open Day Art Competition

For our first ever Open Day we asked some of the children to help us design a flyer by doing a circular drawing to illustrate life at Bayford School. You can see the design the school governors picked on the leaflet here, which you can also download by clicking on it: Here are the other …

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Photograph of pupils at Bayford School

Our first Open Day!

We’ll be holding our first Open Day for school and nursery in October 2022. The date set is Saturday 8th October, and the school will be open for two hours from 10:00 to 12:00. Everyone is welcome to drop in and meet us. It’s a chance for people from the communities we serve to come …

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