February’s Bayford Bugle
The lates Bayford Bugle has been sent to parents, but you can read or download a copy here by clicking on the button: This issues covers topics including:
Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14
The lates Bayford Bugle has been sent to parents, but you can read or download a copy here by clicking on the button: This issues covers topics including:
Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT), the UK’s leading experts in child accident prevention, offering safety alerts, safety advice, training and free resources to help secure a safer world for all our children, have asked us to share advice and information ahead of the Christmas period. CAPT are concerend about cheap gifts from unknown sellers on …
The latest issue of our newsletter is out now. Parents will receive it directly, but you can always access a copy from this website. The main items this time include: Remember you can also keep up to date by following our official Facebook page!
Our Harvest church service this year will be held on Friday 20th September at 2.30pm in St.Mary’s Church in Bayford. As usual, all family members are welcome to join us. If any adultsare able to help walk children from school to church for our service, please contact Mrs Simsin the office to let her know …
Mr Foster writes, ‘Mrs Wheeler, who has been covering Mrs Kinsley’s maternity leave, has secured a long-term position in another school from September so will be leaving at the end of the term. The rest of Mrs Kinsley’s maternity leave, until early October, will be covered by Mrs Foster and Mrs Cordina.Both Mr Younger and …
Next school year we will be one of just two primary schools piloting a new science and technology day programme developed and sponsored by Boeing, the American space and aviation giants. Through the year each year group, from Year 2 to Year 6, will spend a day at Sele School learning with resources developed by …