
Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

Photographs of staff leaving us in July 2024

Transition Day and staff changes in September

Mr Foster writes, ‘Mrs Wheeler, who has been covering Mrs Kinsley’s maternity leave, has secured a long-term position in another school from September so will be leaving at the end of the term. The rest of Mrs Kinsley’s maternity leave, until early October, will be covered by Mrs Foster and Mrs Cordina.Both Mr Younger and …

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Image of a girl learning science and technology provided by Boeing

Bayford pilots for Boeing!

Next school year we will be one of just two primary schools piloting a new science and technology day programme developed and sponsored by Boeing, the American space and aviation giants. Through the year each year group, from Year 2 to Year 6, will spend a day at Sele School learning with resources developed by …

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Image of front page of phn newsletter summer 2024

School Nursing Team Summer Newsletter

Have a look at the latest newsletter from the school nursing team, part of the Public Health Nursing Service of Hertfordshire Community Health NHS Trust. This edition has advice on sun safety, water and hydration, supporting children’s mental health, oral health and dentistry for children, and measles. You can read the newlsetter on line or …

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Graphic image illustrating our wellbeing day

Wellbeing Day

This year’s school Wellbeing day will be on Wednesday 10th July. We will start the day with a whole school assembly and in the morning, children will be doing activities in class to explore wellbeing. Each class will be doing a short gymnastics session too (apart from Year 6 who will be busy with Bikeability). …

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Image of the front page of the Bayford Bugle May 2024 edition

Bayford Bugle May 2024

The May edition of our school newsletter has now been sent out to parents, and you can also catch up with our latest news by downloading it here! The May edition has important news and information about: Last, but not least, there’s a picture of Mrs Kinsley with her baby daughter Sophia! Mrs KInsley is …

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A graphic image representing information

School Hours from September

Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation process last term about the need to extend school hours slightly from September. Parents, staff and governors shared their thoughts and we have now been able to take a decision. Of course, we can’t please everyone all the time, but we hope that with four …

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