Meet the Governors

Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

How the governing body works

The governing body at Bayford is responsible for setting the school’s vision, developing strategy and policy, monitoring the school’s effectiveness in implementing that strategy and policy, approving the school’s budget and monitoring management accounts, agreeing a staffing structure, and generally working alongside the Headteacher and other staff to support them and act as critical friends.

Individual governors take on specific roles and responsibilities for various aspects of our school life, and to help them do that governors also undertake training. All governors receive an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check on appointment, which is regularly renewed.

You can read our Instrument of Government (constitution, currently dating from February 2024) using the link below and our Code of Conduct which all governors must sign each year. You can also read a copy of our Trust Deed from 1857 which still requires us to be a Church of England school serving the local community, although it allows us to provide adult education too!

Governors meet once or twice a term as a full governing body, but all governors also serve on one of our two permanent sub-committees, which meet regularly through the year (dates for all meetings are posted on this site on the school calendar). If you click on the Terms of Reference button, you can read the terms of reference for the governing body and all its committees, but if that’s too much information, you can read a summary of what the committees do here:

Resources Committee

Deals with issues around finance, premises management and staffing, including pay policy, health and safety, security, maintenance, budget setting and monitoring, insurance, and this web site.

School Improvement Committee

Deals with all aspects of teaching and learning, pupil welfare and behaviour, both monitoring the school’s day to day work and supporting staff in planning for future developments.

Other committees

There are also other committees and panels which only meet as and when required in response to any specific issues (such as a complaints or discipline and grievance panel), and less formal working groups to develop our response to new challenges and opportunities.

Meet our governors

Governors don;t just attend formal meetings, they come into school regularly to meet with staff, develop their understanding of different aspects of school life, and monitor their particular areas of responsibility.

Governors come with a wide range of skills and expertise from their lives outside school, and include representatives of the staff and parents, the local community, and the church. Being a governor is an entirely voluntary role.

You can contact the governors through the school office.

You can meet all the governors below. Here’s a key to the entries under each governor’s name:

  • Term: is the governor’s current term of office (govenors may have served previous terms of office, or may serve as governors through their role, like the Headteacher).
  • Attendance: The percentage for attendance is a record of each governor’s attendance at meetings (full governing body and the two main committees) in the previous twelve months (‘n/a’ means the governor has not yet served a full year). The Department for Education requires us to publish this information and we will update the figures each term.

If a governor has any relevant business or financial interests to declare they will be listed below.

Portrait photograph of a governor at Bayford School

Sam Baker

Co-opted governor

  • Term: 1 Sep 21 to 1 Sep 25
  • Attendance: 89%

Sam serves on the Resources Committee and is our lead for art and DT. Sam also helps monitor Early Years.

Portrait photograph of a governor at Bayford School

Roy Boulton

Co-opted governor

  • Term: 17 Jul 23 to 31 Jul 27
  • Attendance: 75%

Roy is a local resident and former teacher. He serves on the School Improvement Committee where he monitors Music and Science and helps with Health & Safety.

Portrait photograph of a governor at Bayford School

Maggie Broomer

Co-opted Governor

  • Term: 7 May 23 to 7 May 27
  • Attendance: 100%

Maggie is Vice-Chair of the governing body, chairs the School Improvement Committee, and is our lead for Health & Safety and humanities.

Portrait photograph of a member of staff at Bayford Primary School

Malcom Foster


  • Term: ex officio
  • Attendance: 100%

As Headteacher Malcom attends both committees and serves as a governor as part of his role.

Portrait photograph of a governor at Bayford School

Brenda Lambie

Local authority governor

  • Term: 4 Jan 22 to 4 Jan 26
  • Attendance: 100%

Brenda is Chair of Govenors and serves on both committees as part of her role. She is our nominated governor for child protection, and our lead for inclusion, pupil premium, SEND, GDPR, and French.

Generic outline drawing taking the place of a portrait photograph

Governor tbc

Co-opted governor

  • Term: tbc.
  • Attendance: n/a

This place is currently vacant.

Portrait photograph of a member of a governor at Bayford Primary School

Iain Lane

Foundation governor

  • Term: ex officio
  • Attendance: 100%

Iain is appointed by the Archdeacon of Hertford, chairs the Resources Committee, and is our lead for finance, RE, and collective worship. He is also our webmaster and assists with GDPR.

Portrait photograph of the clerk to the governors

Maria Lewis

Clerk to the Governors

Maria is Clerk to the Governors and attends our full governing body meetings, taking Minutes and helping us to follow due process in our business.

Portrait photograph of a governor at Bayford School

Sarah Mansfield

Parent governor

  • Term: 1 Oct 23 to 1 Oct 27
  • Attendance: 100%

Sarah is an elected parent governor and serves on the School Improvement Committee where she monitors Computing, English & PSHE. Sarah is also a governor at Simon Balle All-through School.

Portrait photograph of a governor at Bayford School

Kristina Schaferova

Parent governor

  • Term: 1 Oct 23 to 1 Oct 27
  • Attendance: 75%

Kristina is an elected parent governor and serves on the School Improvment Committee. She monitors Maths and PE/Sport.

Portrait photograph of a governor at Bayford School

Colin Taylor

Foundation governor

  • Term: 1 Jan 21 to 1 Jan 25
  • Attendance: 78%

Colin is Churchwarden at St Mary’s, Bayford, serves on the Resources Committee, volunteers in school, and is our lead for EYFS.

Generic outline drawing taking the place of a portrait photograph

Governor tbc

Staff governor

  • Term: tbc
  • Attendance: n/a

A staff governor place is currently vacant.

Business and financial interests

Governors are required to publish any relevant business and financial interests. These are deemed to include:

  • being a governor of another school or educational institution;
  • any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives).

If any such interests exist, they will be listed below. Interests which clearly arise from the nature of the appointment, for example in the case of staff governors, are made clear above and not separately declared here.

Declaration of Interest is also an item at every governors’ meeting and governors are required then to declare any interest which might impact on any specific items of business on the agenda, or any decisions to be taken at that meeting.

Interests declared

Maggie Broomer is Clerk to Bayford Parish Council.

Sarah Mansfield is also a governor at Simon Balle All-through School. Her term of office there is 01/09/2024 – 31/08/2028.

Former governors

Here you can find the names of anyone who served as a governor within the last twelve months but who has now stepped down, or come to the end of their term of office and not stood or served again:

Amanda Welch served as a staff governor from 1st September 2021 until November 2024.

This list is updated at the end of each school term.

This page was last updated on 10th February 2025