FOBS are organising a fantastic Spring Raffle to raise funds for the school. Money raised will help maintain and upgrade playground equipment and support projects in each class.
We’ll have information about tickets next half term, but right now we could really do with your help if you, or your business, can donate a prize: it could be almost anything, if you have an idea, give us a call!. If you can help, please contact the school office by phone or email, or speak to Fiona Smith or Sally Scott. You can email Fiona and Sally using a school email address ( which all end : for Fiona use fsmith@ and for Sally it’s sscott@).
We’d really like to thank those parents who are making regular donations to the school following the letter that FOBS sent in October explaining that this would now be the preferred way of fundraising. This year the estimated total from regular donations will be c.£1,500. These and your contributions for the bauble decorating and ‘Break the Rules Day’ (£300) funded the Pantomime and gift bags, and the Christmas dinner treats for the children. FOBS has also made a donation of £2,000 to assist with school trip transport costs. The trip to Legoland and a funded treat for Nursery in the summer term will be in the region of £3,000. This is already accounted for and funds are available, however, a reserve is always needed for projects and items that would not be able to be purchased from the main school budget.
If you’d like to support us by making a regular donation the bank details are:
NatWest Business
Current Account Name: FOBS
Sort Code: 60-10-39
Account: 30580021