We keep asking for feedback on our website, and on how we communicate with parents and share information. When people let us know what they’d find helpful, we really do listen and try to do what we can to respond.
Recently we learned that people might find it helpful to have our term dates in an easy, at a glance, format, making it clear which dates children were expected to be in school and when the school is closed. Some other schools have done this, and we’re delighted to share with you our pilot school calendar. You can download a colour coded 2022 and 2023 calendar using the buttons below, or on the school term dates page (the 2023 calendar will be updated soon to include the autumn term details and to take account of announcements about the coronation of King Charles).
The calendar shows days when children should be in school (coloured green), days when staff are in school for training, and days when the school is closed (coloured blue), like the school holidays and bank holidays. Weekends are shown in grey, since we’re always closed then (except for our open day, of course!).
What do you think? Is this helpful? Is there anything about the format which could be changed to make it easier to use or improved in any way? Is there anything else you’d like to see on our website? How far ahead do you need to know exactly when children should be in school? Do let us know through class teachers or the school office.