Wellbeing Day

Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

This year’s school Wellbeing day will be on Wednesday 10th July. We will start the day with a whole school assembly and in the morning, children will be doing activities in class to explore wellbeing. Each class will be doing a short gymnastics session too (apart from Year 6 who will be busy with Bikeability). In the afternoon children will sign up for two fun activities which will be undertaken in small, mixed aged groups being run by all adults in school. Activities that children can sign up for are varied and include sports, such as handball and gymnastics, as well as Lego, finger knitting, fruit skewers, Nala walking, yoga and a cake and caravan afternoon tea! Mrs Welch says ‘We hope that it will feel like a lovely escape from the everyday and give everyone the chance to focus on how to ‘water their wellbeing!’.’

As there will be PE activities for all, we would like everyone to come into school in their PE kits for the day.