Bayford Bugle May 2024

Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

The May edition of our school newsletter has now been sent out to parents, and you can also catch up with our latest news by downloading it here!

Read the Bugle May 2024

The May edition has important news and information about:

  • Our new planting boxes around school (thanks to Helen Glenny!)
  • Dates to note this term
  • Information about attendance
  • Update on our house points system
  • Reminders about summer uniform and outdoor shoes
  • News about sporting achievements
  • Our value this half term: courage
  • Pastoral support and wellbeing
  • TWiGS dates this term
  • Parking and road safety reminder
  • A report about Class 3’s participation in a Music Festival
  • News about a strong performance in the HfL Y5 Maths Challenge

Last, but not least, there’s a picture of Mrs Kinsley with her baby daughter Sophia! Mrs KInsley is looking forward to coming back to school in the autumn after her maternity leave.