Mr Foster writes, ‘Mrs Wheeler, who has been covering Mrs Kinsley’s maternity leave, has secured a long-term position in another school from September so will be leaving at the end of the term. The rest of Mrs Kinsley’s maternity leave, until early October, will be covered by Mrs Foster and Mrs Cordina.
Both Mr Younger and Miss Cooper are moving on to pastures new, so will be leaving us at the end of term and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them for all their hard work and dedication.
Thursday 11th July, this week is our transition day. The Year 6 children will be spending the day in their new secondary schools, getting to know their new teachers and hopefully making new friends. Meanwhile, back at Bayford, all children will spend the day in their new September class groups. Some will be moving to a different classroom with a new teacher and/or teaching assistant, while others will remain in their current classroom. I know the teachers have planned some nice activities for the day to allow them to get to know the new children in their class and for the children to get to know them better.’