
Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

Image of front page of phn newsletter summer 2024

School Nursing Team Summer Newsletter

Have a look at the latest newsletter from the school nursing team, part of the Public Health Nursing Service of Hertfordshire Community Health NHS Trust. This edition has advice on sun safety, water and hydration, supporting children’s mental health, oral health and dentistry for children, and measles. You can read the newlsetter on line or …

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Graphic image illustrating our wellbeing day

Wellbeing Day

This year’s school Wellbeing day will be on Wednesday 10th July. We will start the day with a whole school assembly and in the morning, children will be doing activities in class to explore wellbeing. Each class will be doing a short gymnastics session too (apart from Year 6 who will be busy with Bikeability). …

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Image taken from FOLLOW campaign spring 2024 leaflet

Introducing the FOLLOW campaign

Hertfordshire’s Early Years Service have been working on a speech, language and communication campaign, known as FOLLOW. FOLLOW is a very simple and easy to use set of strategies that parents and carers can use with their little ones to help develop speech, language and communication skills at home. The FOLLOW campaign will give you …

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Decorative image of lighted votive candles

School Prayer Group

Reverend Theresa has offered to run a regular prayer group at school for any parents, staff and children who would like to attend. This would be a short meeting in school held on Thursday mornings after school drop off and before our daily whole school collective worship. At the moment it’s simply an offer and …

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Cost of living picture from Hertfordshire County Council

Cost of living resources

This winter Hertfordshire County Council wants to make sure that advice and support is available to help every resident deal with the rising cost of living and to stay safe and well as temperatures drop. HCC have asked us to help them reach as many people as possible with information about resources you can access. …

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photograph of pills and thermometer

Winter health update

As children return to schools and childcare settings, we expect to see many more cases of flu, COVID-19 and other infections that affect children’s breathing (known as ‘respiratory infections’). There also continue to be high numbers of scarlet fever cases, which can spread quickly, but can be easily treated with antibiotics. Geraldine Bruce, Head of …

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