
Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

Image of a girl learning science and technology provided by Boeing

Bayford pilots for Boeing!

Next school year we will be one of just two primary schools piloting a new science and technology day programme developed and sponsored by Boeing, the American space and aviation giants. Through the year each year group, from Year 2 to Year 6, will spend a day at Sele School learning with resources developed by …

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Image taken from FOLLOW campaign spring 2024 leaflet

Introducing the FOLLOW campaign

Hertfordshire’s Early Years Service have been working on a speech, language and communication campaign, known as FOLLOW. FOLLOW is a very simple and easy to use set of strategies that parents and carers can use with their little ones to help develop speech, language and communication skills at home. The FOLLOW campaign will give you …

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Image showing the date of World Book Day 2023

World Book Day 2023

This year we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March 2023. As usual, we have lots of exciting things planned for the day which we hope will encourage our children’s love of books and reading! We will be asking children to dress up as their favourite book characters this year. They will …

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Photograph of children at Bayford School

TWiGS Sessions for November 2022

TWiGS Forest School is part of our ‘learning outside the classroom’ programme. Learning outside the classroom is exactly what it says: learning which happens on school trips and visits off the school site, learning through special forest school days, and learning right across the curriculum in the school grounds and the surrounding countryside. We believe …

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Photograph of the new books for Bayford School library

New reading books

Miss Brazier recently attended a conference on ensuring Diverse Representation Across the Primary English Curriculum. It’s a real priority for us at Bayford to make sure that no one is left out or marginalised in any way, and also to make sure that we prepare our children for life in today’s world by helping them …

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