We’re very pleased to announce that from September, at the start of the autumn term, we’re able to offer nursery sessions in the afternoon as well as in the morning! This offer is available to all children who are currently in nursery for mornings, and for those who will be joining us from September. It’s all part of our drive to develop the school and support our children in becoming life-long learners.
Headteacher Dr Malcom Foster said, ‘We find that a place at a school-based nursery increases social skills, develops confidence and communication, and really helps children learn new skills. Children get used to routine and structure, and by sharing many activities with children in our Reception class we find that they are much better prepared for school than children who haven’t been in nursery. Mrs Kinsley, our highly experienced teacher leading Early Years, is really looking forward to the opportunities this new development will bring, and all her team are very excited about it!’
What times will the nursery sessions be?
Morning session: 8:45 am to 11:45 am
Afternoon session: 11:45 am to 3:15 pm
Can we be flexible about which afternoon sessions we take?
To give you maximum flexibility, for the afternoons only, you will be able to choose which days your child attends term by term. If you only want to take up two or three afternoon sessions, that will be fine, but you will need to take the same afternoons each week. To help us with our planning and preparation, we won’t be able to accept different arrangements each week. We are very happy, though, to change things term by term.
How much will it cost?
Some of you will be entitled to 30 hours of free childcare through the government scheme, so you will be able to use this entitlement to leave your child in our nursery for the afternoon sessions as well as the morning sessions you have already. We’re actually offering an extra half hour a day over and above the 30 hours, but parents with a 30 hour entitlement will NOT be charged for the extra half hour of childcare. We’re simply offering this so that parents with older children in the school can pick up all their children at the same time. Every little helps!
All 3 to 4-year-olds in England can get 570 free hours per year. It’s usually taken as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year, but you can choose to take fewer hours over more weeks. If you’re not entitled to 30 free hours, you can still take up our afternoon sessions by paying for the sessions you would like. From September we will offer afternoon places at £21 per child per afternoon session (£6 per child, per hour).
How will it work for lunches?
Nursery school children aren’t entitled to free school meals under the government scheme which covers Infants in school (Reception and Years 1 and 2). It’s anticipated that you’ll be able to pay for your child to have a school lunch on days they will be staying for the afternoons and, of course, they can bring in a packed lunch.
How can I find out more or register my child?
You can call us or email us with any questions you have. Parents who already have nursery places for morning sessions in the autumn term 2022 can register for afternoon sessions by clicking on the button and using the online form (or if it works better for you, you can contact us directly). We’ll also be updating our nursery admissions policy and application form for entry from September 2023.