Bayford pilots for Boeing!

Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd… I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ John 10.14

Next school year we will be one of just two primary schools piloting a new science and technology day programme developed and sponsored by Boeing, the American space and aviation giants. Through the year each year group, from Year 2 to Year 6, will spend a day at Sele School learning with resources developed by Boeing as part of their worldwide educational programme.

Boeing say ‘With a century of innovation under our belt, Boeing is committed to inspiring and preparing the next generation of innovators. We’re harnessing the natural curiosity of young people through investments, partnerships and volunteerism to show them how science and engineering can help solve real-world problems. We work to provide educators with the tools and leadership skills they need to inspire their students to use creativity, collaboration, persistence and problem-solving to change the world.’

We’re very excited about being part of this! Parents will receive more information when their child’s turn to take part comes round. You can find the dates on the school calendar on this site. Next year’s Year 6 will be the first to go on Wednesday 9th October. Sele have been running the project with their children this year and say it’s excellent.