One page to find them all
Our site puts links to our policies and related documents on the pages which give you relevant information. So, for example, you’ll find our policy on school uniform on the page which gives parents basic information about our school uniform and where to buy things on the uniform list. We think that makes sense, but we know that people are used to a ‘policy page’ on school websites, so here’s ours! If you’ve landed here looking for something, you should find it (but you’ll find out more about us as a school by reading the pages).
We believe that all these policies flow naturally from our core vision and values. We are determined that our whole community should live out our values in all our relationships and in every aspect of our common life.
You can find the documents grouped under five headings:

Teaching and learning
Financial management
Our financial management policy combines what might otherwise be six separate policies. We think it makes sense to combine them so that we make sure they all relate to each other, are consistent, and are easy to review. In it you will find:
- Private Fund Account Policy
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Lettings Policy
- Control of Assets Policy
- Debt Recovery Policy
- Payment of Governor’s Allowances Policy
- Schedule of financial delegation
School life
This page was last updated on 25th November 2024